Migrating to Australia-Where do you start?

Migrating to Australia-Where do you start?

Given the ever increasing information available at our fingertips, be it blogs or government websites and beyond, there are many that will become to believe that applying for a Visa and completing the application themselves, in the hope that they will be migrating to Australia in no time at all. However where does this leave you if your application is rejected? Do you have a plan B?

Time and time again we hear of these stories, which no doubt end up being a costly exercise. It is essential to contact a Registered Migration Agent, here at Phillip Silver and Associates we will guide you in the right direction, we will not take on cases where we do not believe we can get you a positive result, we will take the pressure off by being with you every step of the way.

So where do you start? Start today by contacting Migration Agent Phillip Silver and Associates by email or phone on 02 9708 5954


migrating to australia