Angie Schoonraad
Dear Phillip, Neeta and Team
I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to you and your organisation for helping us achieve a milestone in our life’s journey… Our Australian citizenship! Hooray! We started this expedition in your offices in Rosebank, South Africa. I still recall the first meeting with Neeta in the boardroom and Phillip on Skype. It was so professional and from the beginning we always knew that we were in good hands. I don’t even know why we chose your add on Google but I truly believe that it was God who delivered you to us because most would have said: “Too hard, you don’t have a chance.” Neeta worked tirelessly over months to prepare our case for the Skilled Visa and I still have the application pack – it’s stamped 11 Nov 2009. We all know the story; Australia’s immigration laws changed mid-application and we were stuck in the abyss for a few years and then miraculously we got a call from your office and within months (with more guidance and hard work from your team) we got the prized email and were on a flight to OZ to start our new life. Fast forward 6 years and many ups and downs… We are celebrating because a few weeks ago, we took our pledge and are now officially Australian citizens!! It’s been a comfort having you by our side for these, almost 12 years. Even when we moved to Australia, Phillip was the only contact on my phone, lol, we knew no one. I’ve referred many friends and family to your organisation and I always speak so highly of you because I won’t forget how kind and courteous you’ve all been to me and my family over this time. Even now with Hafizah helping my mom, we always have so many emails and calls to your offices, I sometimes feel embarrassed by the annoying questions we ask but your team is so helpful and never give a rude or abrupt answer, what a pleasure. Emigration is such an emotional process but the personal attention and care that you all give to each case is priceless. I wish you every success in the future and may your business grow because of the wonderful people you are.
Angie Schoonraad